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Who We Are

We are a network of agroforestry agitators, innovators and experts working across sectors to scale up agroforestry in the United States. The idea for this group and the initial outline of working groups came out of a fall 2022 retreat of agroforestry advocates and systems thinkers. Those retreat attendees perceived a need for an agroforestry network focused on policy, strategic communication, and cross-sector network development to complement and support the work of other agroforestry groups focused more on research, education, producer networks and technical assistance. The Agroforestry Coalition is in a phase of growth and actualization. Together, we are discovering our most essential niche in the vibrant ecosystem of agroforestry and sustainable agriculture organizations and networks. 

In this initial phase, the Savanna Institute is incubating the Agroforestry Coalition, providing strategic, administrative, and fundraising support while the Coalition discovers its appropriate scope, structure and long-term home.

What We Know

Our Shared Understanding of Agroforestry

We understand agroforestry to be an umbrella term encompassing a variety of polycultural farming practices that intentionally integrate perennial trees and shrubs with other crops and/ or livestock. While agroforestry looks different in different contexts, the USDA defines agroforestry as a set of 5 common practices: alley cropping, forest farming, silvopasture, riparian forest buffers, and windbreaks. 

It is important to acknowledge that Agroforestry has been practiced in North America and around the world for millennia and its presence on the landscape today is due to the knowledge, innovation and stewardship of indigenous communities, many of whom survived and continue to resist colonization and attempted erasure. Exploring the questions of ethical attribution and compensation for Traditional Ecological Knowledge is within the purview of the Agroforestry Coalition and we welcome thought partnership and thought leadership on this issue.


Kitt Healy

strategy director and lead organizer

Kitt Healy is the strategy lead and coordinator for the Agroforestry Coalition. You can reach her at

coming soon

Steering Committee

This section is in development. If you are interested in serving a 1-year term on the Agroforestry Coalition Steering Committee, please contact

The Agroforestry Coalition

We foster collaboration across sectors to increase the number of farms and ranches producing food via the intentional integration of trees and shrubs into cropping and livestock systems.

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