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Nominate Someone for the Agroforestry Coalition Speakers Bureau

Do you know someone who is committed to cultivating agriculture that works for the future? Nominate them for the Agroforestry Coalition Speaker’s Bureau.

Our Speakers Bureau is a bank of thought leaders, academics, advocates, producers, and experts, who can speak to the importance of agroforestry, perennial agriculture, and topics related to sustainable agriculture. 

We work as a collective to build the understanding and knowledge of more ecologically diverse approaches to agriculture. Speakers come from every region and background, and bring with them an interdisciplinary understanding of agriculture and the environment. Our goal is to help connect journalists and event organizers with trusted voices in our field.

All speakers are nominated by our community. To add a nomination, fill out our nomination form below. Nominations are reviewed by the Communications Working Group and selected based on area of expertise, region, and representation. 

If selected by the Communications Working Group, your nominee will receive an official invitation from the Agroforestry Coalition and you will be notified as well. Self-nominations are also accepted.

Thank you for supporting our collective efforts to raise the profile of agroforestry.

The Agroforestry Coalition

We foster collaboration across sectors to increase the number of farms and ranches producing food via the intentional integration of trees and shrubs into cropping and livestock systems.

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