Badege Bishaw was educated in Africa, Europe, and the United States. He has over 35 years of experience in forestry, natural resources and agricultural education, research, outreach, and administration. He received his Ph.D. in forest resources from Oregon State University, (OSU), an M.S. in tropical forestry from the University of Dresden, Germany, and a B.Sc. in plant sciences from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.
Dr. Bishaw was a senior instructor and taught agroforestry, international forestry, and sustainable natural resources management courses in the College of Forestry at OSU. He also served as the director of the Master of Natural Resources, the Sustainable Natural Resources, and Forest and Climate Change Graduate Programs in the College of Forestry, OSU. He was the director of the International Programs, College of Forestry, OSU, from July 2004 to June 2007. Before he came to the United States, he was the chairman of the Faculty of Forestry (1987–89) at Alemaya University of Agriculture in Ethiopia. Dr. Bishaw has worked as the co-director for two USAID-funded projects with South African and Ethiopian universities and research institutions. Through these collaborative efforts, he has developed an Agroforestry and Natural Resource Education, Research, and Outreach Program. He has published in referred and peer-reviewed journals, book chapters, and conference proceedings, and has received many national and international awards.
Oregon State University
Areas of Expertise
Scientist, Professor
Publications / Website Link